
Play Tank Wars

What is Tank Wars

Tank Wars is a classic arcade-style tank game that allows players to engage in battles across various terrains and environments. Players have four different modes to choose from, each with its own unique challenges. These modes include a calm company mode, which offers a relatively easy path to glory, as well as a frenzied mincing machine mode, which presents a much more difficult challenge. In Tank Wars, players can engage in battles across 120 different polygons, either on their own or with a friend. Alternatively, they can create their own custom battlefields, with up to 990 different options available. Players must attack and destroy enemy tanks in order to achieve their main objective - victory - while also taking care to defend their own base from enemy attacks. Overall, Tank Wars is a fun and engaging game that provides players with a nostalgic trip back to the classic arcade-style games of the past. With its challenging gameplay, wide range of customization options, and exciting battles, it's sure to provide hours of entertainment for gamers of all ages.

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