What is Super Raccoon World
In Super Raccoon World, two raccoon brothers are thrust into an exciting, action-filled adventure through a world inhabited by monster chickens, scorpions, and other dangerous creatures. In this chapter of their journey, the raccoons must navigate through a series of levels, collecting corns while avoiding the hostile animals that threaten to thwart their progress. The goal is to gather all the corns scattered throughout each level and return safely to their home, a cozy tree hollow.
As you progress, the levels become increasingly challenging, with more dangerous enemies, tricky platforming sections, and hidden paths to explore. The raccoons must rely on their agility and wit to outsmart their foes, all while collecting corns to complete each stage. In some levels, you may need to use the environment to your advantage or solve simple puzzles to progress further.
The game features a cooperative mode where two players can control the raccoon brothers together, making teamwork essential to completing the more challenging stages. Players can help each other by distracting enemies or activating mechanisms to open new pathways. If either raccoon loses all of their health, they can respawn from the last checkpoint, ensuring that the adventure continues even after a tough setback. Super Raccoon World is packed with fun, colorful graphics, and engaging gameplay, making it a perfect choice for players looking for a fun and challenging adventure with a friend.