
Play PicoWars

What is PicoWars

PicoWars is a strategy game that allows players to take control over either a team of ghosts or a team of goblins and battle against each other. The game is set in a fantasy world where these two teams are in constant conflict and it is up to the player to lead their team to victory. Players start by choosing their team, which determines their units and strengths. They must then strategically place their units on the game board and plan their attack on the opposing team. The game is turn-based, so players take turns moving their units and attacking their opponent. The game is won by defeating the enemy team, which can be achieved through either wiping out all their units or by capturing their base. Players must be strategic in their gameplay, carefully planning their moves and anticipating their opponent's next move. PicoWars offers a variety of different maps and scenarios, each with its own unique challenges and gameplay mechanics. Players can also customize their units with different weapons and abilities, giving them an edge in battle. Overall, PicoWars is an engaging and challenging strategy game that requires skill and planning to succeed. Whether you prefer ghosts or goblins, this game offers an exciting and immersive experience for players of all skill levels.

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